Protocols are drafted by irrigation experts, then opened for public comment for 90 days. Comments are reviewed and considered. Where appropriate, changes are made to the testing protocol and made available again for public comment. Major changes are open for comment for 90 days and minor changes for 30 days. Most protocols go through several cycles of public review and revision before being adopted for third-party testing. Draft testing protocols for each product category are archived and publicly available here:
Draft 3: Test Protocol
Version 2: Test Protocol
Version 2.2: Test Protocol
IA Comments for EPA Draft Specification for Weather-based Controllers
Friday, January 15, 2010 - Brian Vinchesi, chair of the IA SWAT committee, submitted comments to WaterSense on behalf of the IA regarding the specification for weather-based irrigation smart controllers.
IA Comments to EPA - Weather-Based Controllers.
If you have questions about the specification, please contact the WaterSense Helpline at (866) WTR-SENS (987.7367).
Draft 8: Test Protocol
Review Draft 7: Test Protocol
Draft 7: Test Protocol
Drafts 5 and 6: Test Protocol
Drafts 1-4: Test Protocol
The final draft, submitted to the EPA, and summary review for the second draft are below.
The subject of add-on devices and how many controllers with which they would need to be tested arose at the SWAT meeting held at the Irrigation Show, November 4, 2008. SWAT was directed by the attendees to develop recommendations for testing add-on devices that can work with new or existing systems.
Important: This is not part of nor will it be part of the protocols for climatologically- or soil moisture sensor-based controllers. It is a suggested position for EPA consideration.
3rd Draft Add-on Devices - Recommendations (PDF 32KB)
Draft 2: Recommendations
Draft 1: Recommendations
Draft 2: Test Protocol
Draft 1: Test Protocol
Phase 1, Draft 8: Test Protocol
Phase 2, Draft 4: Test Protocol
Phase 1, Draft 7: Test Protocol
Phase 1, Draft 6 & Phase 2, Draft 3: Test Protocols
Phase 1, Draft 5 and Phase 2, Draft 2: Test Protocols
Phase 1: 5th Draft & Phase 2: 2nd Draft Public Comments (PDF 609KB)
Phase 1: 5th Draft & Phase 2: 2nd Draft Test Protocols - Soil Moisture Sensors (PDF 198KB)
Phase 2, Draft 1: Test Protocols
The Phase 2 first draft test protocol began to address the "Outdoor Operational Test on Turf Grass," which integrates the soil sensor with an irrigation controller to measure irrigation adequacy and efficiency in a virtual landscape.
Phase 2: 1st Draft Public Comments (PDF 3MB)
Phase 2: 1st Draft Test Protocols - Soil Moisture Sensors (PDF 106KB)
Phase 1, Drafts 1-4: Test Protocols for Indoor Lab Screening Tests
Key development of Phase 1 protocols took place in the first through fourth drafts. Phase 1 beta testing began at the fourth draft of the test protocols. The objective of Phase 1 lab tests is to evaluate how well current soil moisture sensor technology functions over a range of conditions that affect soil moisture, including soil type, temperature and salinity. Phase 1 Soil Moisture Sensor testing results do not measure the integration of a soil sensor with a controller to manage irrigation.
Phase 1, 4th Draft Public Comments (PDF 83KB)
Phase 1, 4th Draft Test Protocols (PDF 168KB) Changes from previous draft are highlighted.
Phase 1, 3rd Draft Summary Review (PDF 75KB)
Phase 1, 3rd Draft Public Comments (PDF 1MB)
Phase 1, 3rd Draft Test Protocols (PDF 209KB) Changes from previous draft are highlighted.
Phase 1, 2nd Draft Summary Review (PDF 92KB)
Phase 1, 2nd Draft Public Comments (PDF 3MB)
Phase 1, 2nd Draft Test Protocols (PDF 388KB) Changes from previous draft are highlighted.
1st Draft Summary Review (PDF 86KB)
1st Draft Public Comments (PDF 2MB)
1st Draft Test Protocols (PDF 94KB)