ASABE/IA 6th Decennial
National Irrigation Symposium

You’ll have to wait another 10 years if you miss it!

Monday, Dec. 6-Wednesday, Dec. 8

The IA is excited to partner with the ASABE to hold this Irrigation Symposium in conjunction with the 2021 Irrigation Show. The event occurs every 10 years and gives attendees the opportunity to gain insights and new information from presentations covering relevant topics in the agricultural and landscape irrigation industries.

The ASABE/IA 6th Decennial National Irrigation Symposium is the ideal opportunity to learn about the recent progress and status of irrigation research, extension, planning and management activities. Technology end users, technical service providers, water planners and managers, industry experts, researchers and extension specialists, and government agency staff can all benefit from this program.

Here’s a taste of new and different topics you can hear about during this year’s Irrigation Symposium

  • special first-day overview of irrigation in the 2020s
  • evapotranspiration: its estimation and usage in irrigation management
  • turf and landscape irrigation
  • irrigation scheduling: improvements in methods and adoption rates
  • status of irrigation systems (sprinkler, VRI, microirrigation and surface)
  • irrigation in a humid region
  • innovations in technology transfer
  • sensors and technology for irrigation management

These presentations, which offer 0.33 to 0.4167 CEU each, vary from 20 to 25 minutes with scheduled time for questions and comments from the audience. They will help chart a path for irrigation progress in the next 10 years. You won’t want to miss this important business and networking event.

Monday’s Schedule     Tuesday’s Schedule      Wednesday’s Schedule

About the ASABE

The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers is an educational and scientific organization dedicated to the advancement of engineering applicable to agricultural, food and biological systems. Founded in 1907 and headquartered in St. Joseph, Michigan, ASABE comprises members in more than 100 countries. ASABE is dedicated to promoting engineering in food, water, energy, fiber and environment.