Industry Insights for Landscape

Tuesday, Dec. 7-Thursday, Dec. 9

The IA’s Industry Insights brings you a variety of presentations on numerous landscape topics. Industry Insights features industry experts presenting on today’s relevant topics and trends, a best practice, or a how-to. The sessions will include a presentation followed by a Q&A session. Take advantage of this opportunity to stay current with today’s rapidly changing and evolving industry and earn 1 CEU per presentation.

Industry Insights for Landscape is open to all attendees and exhibitors.

Disclaimer: The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in Industry Insights webinars belong solely to the presenter and are not necessarily those of the Irrigation Association.

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Tuesday, Dec. 7

An Innovative & Efficient Way to Collect PSI for Drip Audits
1:45 p.m.-2:45 p.m.
Presenter: Kris Loomis, CID, CLIA, Sonoma County Water Agency
Learn a fast, easy and efficient way to collect pounds per square inch while performing drip audits or assessments. The IA recommends collecting psi from three points within the drip system during a drip irrigation audit. The traditional way of using a sharpened pitot tube creates waste, is time-consuming and is not the most efficient method. With this DIY, easy-to-build drip psi testing tool, you can check your three psi areas within minutes and move on to the next zone without losing a drop of water. Perhaps you are not performing a drip audit, but the system has issues that you need to figure out. With this tool, you place the rubber tip up against the orifice of the drip emitter or emitter tubing outlet, and you can move from emitter to emitter with great ease without wasting any water or poking a single hole. A psi reading is immediate and can help you quickly assess where issues are, without making a mess or wasting time.

Water Conservation Approaches in Turfgrass Systems
3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Presenter: Alex Bach, Kansas State University/The Greensman
Two different approaches of water conservation will be discussed during this presentation, based on information obtained from two separate research projects at Kansas State University. Project 1: Subsurface drip irrigation is increasingly popular because of its potential for conserving and uniformly distributing water. We investigated the effects of straw and poly-mesh germination blankets in combination with SSDI on germination and establishment of tall fescue turfgrass. Under ground covers, soil temperatures were 5-7 degrees higher and erosion during rainfall was reduced, resulting in uniform and faster germination of tall fescue compared with no ground covers. Project 2: Irrigation strategies typically rely on calendar or evapotranspiration schedules that completely ignore soil moisture. Our research approach is to integrate the components of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum by utilizing sensor-based technology to determine turf canopy responses to soil water deficits and to improve irrigation decisions. Water savings of 70% have been achieved using this approach.

Wednesday, Dec. 8

Wi-Fi: What You Need to Know to Look Like a Pro
8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.
Presenter: Kevin Battistoni, Hunter Industries
During this presentation, you will learn the key fundamentals of the world of Wi-Fi and connected devices as they apply to green industry professionals. Learn what you need to know to look like a pro in the field and exude confidence with connecting and managing connections. We will break down the language of the Internet of Things and go over how to identify network signal strengths, Wi-Fi bandwidth and channels so you can offer the best technology to your customers and crew without the headaches.

Troubleshooting Electronically-Controlled Zone Irrigation Systems
9:15 a.m.-10:15 a.m.
Presenter: David Lopez, Tempo Communications
In this presentation, participants will learn how to troubleshoot electronically controlled zone irrigation systems using digital multimeters, solenoid activators, and buried wire/line locators.

Water Conservation Using ET & Soil Moisture Sensor-Based Smart Irrigation Controllers
12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
Presenter: Amir Haghverdi, University of California Riverside
Multiple ongoing landscape irrigation projects have been conducted that explore multiple turfgrass and ground cover trials, all being irrigated autonomously using evapotranspiration-based and soil moisture sensor-based smart irrigation controllers. Tune in for the results of these projects being performed at the University of California Riverside Ag Experiment Station and the University of California ANR South Coast Research and Extension Center by Haghverdi research group.

Using the Indicator Plant Method to Calculate Drip Emitter Requirements
1:15 p.m.-2:15 p.m.
Presenter: Kurt Thompson, CGIA, CIC, CID, CIT, CLIA, CLWM, Irritech Training Inc.
The typical landscape bed is designed with plants having different irrigation water requirements, yet they are all on one irrigation zone. This presentation will use the indicator plant method of selecting the flow and quantity of emitters per plant-water-use type to apply the required amount of water for each plant. This method can also be used for line source drip and even mixing different types of overhead irrigation. (Don’t tell the irrigation police!)

Thursday, Dec. 9

From Irrigation to Water Management
8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.
Presenter: D.J. Seeger, Seeger Water Corporation
The irrigation industry is changing every day. With rising water costs and the importance of conservation, irrigators are becoming water managers. Learn from a company that has already transitioned its policies and practices to focus on the effective and conservative use of water in residential and commercial applications. Through irrigation water use audits, regular maintenance by licensed irrigators and proper training, gain knowledge to become a leading expert in water management and conservation.

Enhanced Water Conservation Through Pump Station Design
9:15 a.m.-10:15 a.m.
Presenters: Guy Collins, Justin McDaniel and Gail Mueller, Munro; and Dan Peters, Yaskawa America
Gain a deeper understanding of how an irrigation pump station and its components are critical to water conservation, monetary savings and energy efficiency within an irrigation system. This presentation will review water conservation through the design and manufacturing process of a packaged VFD pump station, as well as energy efficiency and monetary savings by using VFD and other smart irrigation components. We will also discuss the pros and cons of using various products within an irrigation system regarding water conservation and long-term monetary savings and the importance of the preconstruction design and planning stage to have effects on water conservation.