Principles of Efficient Agricultural Irrigation

These principles identify the key concepts that a grower or producer should follow to attain the most efficient use of water.

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  1. Summary – Principles of Efficient Agricultural Irrigation
  2. Principles of Efficient Agricultural Irrigation

The principles for efficient agricultural irrigation include:

  1. Use qualified professionals to plan and help manage irrigation systems.
  2. Know and protect the water supply and the environment.
  3. Identify the soil type and its soil water characteristics to manage the water supply.
  4. Understand crop water needs to know when and how much water should be applied
  5. Select appropriate irrigation methods that will efficiently deliver water to the crop.
  6. Plan and implement irrigation scheduling to use water efficiently.
  7. Adopt and apply innovative technology to improve water management.
  8. Maintain accurate records to facilitate better decisions on crop inputs.
  9. Anticipate water shortages and have planned strategies to respond.

The Irrigation Association recognizes that there are many experts who have devoted their careers to improving agricultural crop production. While adequate water applied at the correct time is necessary to produce significant yields, irrigation is just one part of all that a grower must take into account. The principles for irrigation efficiency must work in harmony with other best practices for growing plants, including soil, nutrient, and pest management.​​