Equip Exposition 2024

Irrigation Sessions
The Irrigation Association will be presenting seven one-hour sessions Oct. 17-18 at the Equip Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky, as part of the Irrigation track of the Landscape Contractor Education program. Sessions cost $99 each. Preregistration is required, and you can register directly with Equip Exposition. IA members get 50% off Equip Expo registration when preregistering online and using the code “IA” at checkout. Register by the Sept. 5 early bird deadline for the lowest rates.
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Getting Into the Irrigation Business | 0.25 CEU
Thursday, Oct. 17 | 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Whether you want to add some irrigation services into your green industry business or be a full-service irrigation contractor, this session will get you started. Attendees will leave with a wealth of tips and advice from a panel of successful irrigation contractors who will share their stories and answer questions.
Moderator | Kevin Battistoni, Hunter Industries
Cost | $99
Irrigation Repair Fundamentals | 1 CEU
Thursday, Oct. 17 | 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
This how-to session will teach those with no irrigation experience how to identify and handle common repairs. Through both presentations and hands-on exercises, attendees will learn irrigation servicing including how to replace a sprinkler head, fix simple valve issues and other irrigation repairs. This session is a great way to jump-start learning for those who want to work in irrigation service or who periodically need to fix simple irrigation problems.
Presenter | Frederick A. Hall, CIC, CID, CLIA, K-Rain Manufacturing
Cost | $99
Electrical Troubleshooting Fundamentals | 1 CEU
Thursday, Oct. 17 | 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
Learn how to test basic conditions and how to use a volt-meter in this how-to session. Through both presentations and hands-on instruction, attendees will learn how to use a multimeter to identify the common irrigation system electrical faults such as shorts, opens and partial faults. These skills are important for those who service or want to service irrigations systems. Some prior irrigation system knowledge is helpful but not required for this session.
Presenter | Scott D. Knowles, CGIA, CIC, CID, CLIA, Retired | Wolf Creek Company Inc.
Cost | $99
Anatomy of an Irrigation System | 1 CEU
Thursday, Oct. 17 | 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Understanding system components is the first step in learning how to design, install or service irrigation systems. This session will introduce basic irrigation components and help you learn options, functionality and industry terminology. It is designed for people with no irrigation experience.
Presenter | Keith R. Schweiger, CIC, CID, CIT, CLIA, CLWM, Calsense
Cost | $99
Controller Operation Fundamentals| 1 CEU
Friday, Oct. 18 | 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.
Learn how to operate typical irrigation controllers at this how-to session. It will provide a good primer for field staff who need to know how to do basic irrigation controller operations such as turning a zone on/off, setting date and time, or shutting down operations. This session will not discuss all the functions of the many controllers available in the marketplace, but it will cover enough to handle common operations. It is designed for those with little or no irrigation experience.
Presenter | Frederick A. Hall, CIC, CID, CLIA, K-Rain Manufacturing
Cost | $99
Irrigation Scheduling Fundamentals| 1 CEU
Friday, Oct. 18 | 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Knowing how to schedule irrigation controllers to apply enough water to maintain a landscape without wasting water is a skill all irrigators must have. While there are many rules of thumb, there are nuggets of knowledge that allow good irrigation practices given the wide variety of environments and situations that must be overcome. We’ll explore three components for good scheduling: soil, the irrigation system and plant water requirements. General knowledge of plant water needs, soils and irrigation systems is recommended; however, this session is helpful for those with no irrigation experience.
Presenter | Scott D. Knowles, CGIA, CIC, CID, CLIA, Retired | Wolf Creek Company Inc.
Cost | $99
Microirrigation Fundamentals| 1 CEU
Friday, Oct. 18 | 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
Called by different names (e.g., drip, micro, low volume), microirrigation is a collection of water-emitting devices that apply water at or very near a plant’s root zone. Because water is not sprayed through the air, a more precise water application can be achieved. Two of the many resulting benefits are better plant health and dramatic water savings. Microirrigation, born in the agricultural world, is now well established as an important part of landscape irrigation and must be understood by irrigators. This session will cover components and layout for landscape irrigation use at an introductory level.
Presenter | Shawn Sandink, CIC, CLIA, CID, SiteOne Landscape Supply
Cost | $99